Community Accomplishments
There are a number of things which have been accomplished in the Rochester, Washington area during the past several years. Most of these have come about through the work of the Federal Law and Justice Program entitled "Weed & Seed" which began in Rochester just over three years ago. Unless you have have been involved in helping to bring them into being or have benefited by these accomplishments, it is very likely you are not even aware of how they have improved the quality of life in the Rochester area.
Rochester Community Center Opens.
Thurston County Sheriff's Office "Community Policing Office" opens in the Rochester Community Center.
Developing the park at the Rochester Community Center is underway.
Community Training sessions on "Awareness of Methamphetamine Use & Manufacture."
The community "Reader Board" has been installed at the Rochester Community Center.
Removal of the "hulk trailers" from the vacant lot on the north side of Hwy. 12 just west of Interstate 5.
"Weed & Seed" awareness signs. These signs have been posted on all roads at the edge of the Rochester Weed & Seed area.
Health & Fun Fairs.
Three picnic tables and two benches have been installed in the park at the Rochester Community Center. Three covered picnic shelters have also been constructed and are ready for use by the community residents.
A paved walking path has been placed in the park at the Rochester Community Center.
Several trash receptacles have been painted with bright colors and placed in the park at the Rochester Community Center. One of the major maintenance chores for the park facility is the emptying of these trash receptacles. This task needs to be completed once every other week during the summer and once a month in the winter. Volunteers are nneded for this as there is no paid staff to maintain the park.
Four new infant swings have been installed in the park at the Rochester Community Center.
The Rochester Park has now been named "Independence Park"
22 Community Garden Plots are now available for rent in Independence Park. Contact ROOF to use one of these garden plots.
WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) public health services are available the first Wednesday of each month from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM at Swede Hall, 18543 Albany Street, Rochester, WA |
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons Group was formed to help provide "Increased Prosperity" for the Rochester, WA area. Current projects underway are:
Sidewalks (A long-term project)
Farmer's Market (This project ran for the summers of 2010 & 2011 but was not well supported by the community so it has been temporially discontinued.)
Basic Computer Skills Classes (a new class is expected to start in late September of 2012)
Learning Center
Aquatic Center (A long-term project)
Indoor Soccer Center (A long-term project)
Gate City Schoolhouse
Clothing Bank
Rochester Community Center Court Yard (Hoping to get this started in 2011)
Basic Financial skills Classes in both Spanish and English (Hoping to begin these classes winter of 2010-11)
New services now available at the Rochester Community Center
Boys & Girls Club. | |
Community Corrections Officers from the Washington State Department of Correction meet with Rochester clients. | |
Juvenile Diversion, an alternative to the formal Juvenile Court System meet with Rochester clients. | |
Providence Sound Home Care/Parents as Teachers is providing a time of meeting and sharing, for parents and children of all ages the 4th Wednesday of each month from 11:00 AM to Noon. | |
A computer kiosk with direct link to the Timberland Regional Library has been installed in the Rochester Community Center Library. | |
A computer lab has been installed in the Rochester Community Center Library. These computers will be available for use by community residents, and classes for learning basic computer concepts and programs. Please contact Bill Liddle at 360-858-0350 or for more information. |