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December 2012

Date Day Time Event Name Place
1st Saturday 9:00 AM
4: PM
Eleventh AnnualSwede Hall
 Novembeer Craft Bazaar
Swede Haall
18543 Albany Street
Rochester, WA
1ST Saturday 9:00 AM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
Littlerock Elementary Winterfest
Date/Time:  Saturday, December 1, Main Events from 9am-3pm, Dessert Social from 6pm-8pm
Come join us from 9am-3pm for a day of fun filled activities that include a holiday bazaar (over 30 vendors), silent auction, basket raffle, book fair, Snowflake Café, cake walk, Elf’s Workshop, Santa photos (bring your camera), Homesteaders, and a student coloring and poster contest. Then from 6pm-8pm enjoy the dessert social where there will be the basket raffle and entertainment provided.
 Littlerock Elementary School,
12710 Littlerock Rd. SW,
Olympia, WA 98512

Submit event information here

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