Rochester/Grand Mound Horizons Farmers Market
The Rochester/Grand Mound Horizons Farmers Market offers a bounty of top quality fresh produce harvested daily. You will also find traditional breads, locally-made foods, and crafts from local artisans. Come visit with us and enjoy the outdoors in historic downtown Rochester (in the parking lot at the Rochester Middle School).
Join us on Saturday, June 19th, our opening day during the annual Swede Day event. The Farmers Market will be open each Saturday from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM each Saturday between June 19th and October 16th of this year. Fun for the whole family.
We're now accepting vendor applications. Please call Sandra 273-5900 or Gala 273-5245 for more information. This application, and other relevant documents can be viewed and printed by clicking the following links (NOTE: these are PDF files and you will need Adobe Reader to view them. You may downloaad a free copy of Adobe Reader from this website Vendors Application, Canopy Safety, Farmers Market Regulations, and Federal, State, County info