PLEASE NOTE: There is now a phone number for the
Library - it is 360-858-7086
These will be the hours the Rochester Community Library will be open:
Updated 06-14-08 Due to the limited number of volunteers the library will be open only during the following hours. There have not been enough volunteers to fully staff the library. This has resulted in the library often not being open during the times that have been posted. The Library Board of Directors made the decision, at their meeting on June 10, 2008, to reduce the hours of operation to the level where they could feel confident of having a volunteer available for the library to be open. The Library Board of Directors are fully committed to making sure the library will be open during these new hours and days of operation so you depend upon it being open as stated.
Beginning Monday, June 16th, 2008 the new Library hours will be from:
10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Please remember that your Rochester Community Library is totally dependant upon volunteers! There is no paid staff. For the library to remain open it is vitally necessary for the Rochester Community to step up to the plate with individuals who will commit to being a volunteer a couple of hours a week.