Links to Services and Information of interest to Rochester Residents
Thurston County The Thurston County website at: contains information about all of the county departments and their services to the citizens of Thurston County.
Thurston County The Thurston County Narcotics Task Force web site with information about illicit drugs can be accessed at this address: It provides resources on drug abuse along with other information on how to spot a meth lab and information on the new laws about purchase of non-prescription medicines containing ingredients used in making meth.
A website
with considerable good oinformation about disaster preparedness:
Thurston County Junk
Vehicle Website
A website that provides information about what you can do when there is a junk
vehicle in your neighborhood. Enforcement of the county junk vehicle law
is done on a complaint basis. You may file a complaint by using the form
provided on the website. A complaint can also be filed by calling the Thurston County Junk Vehicle Line at
National Weed & Seed Data Center -
Rochester, WA Weed & Seed Site Summary
This is part of set of websites, a project of the Justice Research and
Statistics Association, that contain information about the local area of each
Weed & Seed Site. You can view the section about Rochester at:
Department of Homeland Security A website with much good information about getting yourself and your family prepared for Natural Disasters as well as those occurring from terrorist activities.
Mothers Against Meth Mothers Against Meth-Amphetamine (mama) was started in 2002 by Dr. Mary F. Holley to distribute the literature she has written to educate the public about methamphetamine and other drugs
Chehalis Tribe A website describing the Chehalis Tribe and the many services they provide the area.
Timberland Regional Library A website describing the many services provided by the Timberland Library in their numerous braches.
Centralia Community College Centralia Community College presents classes on their campus in Centralia and also on-line. The on-line catalog address is:
Washington State Home Page The website for accessing information about the Washington State Government and the programs they provide.
USDA Rural Development for Washington State Rural Home Ownership Opportunities. Have good credit, but think you do not earn enough to buy a home? USDA Rural Development offers loans to low income families who want to purchase a home in a rural area. The 502 Direct Loan Program does not require a down payment and the house payments are subsidized so low income families can afford the monthly payments. For a family of four in Rochester, the maximum household income must be less than $52,900 to qualify for the home ownership program. There are many families in Thurston County who have qualified for this program with annual incomes less than $35,000.
If you already own a home in a rural area and it is need of repairs, USDA Rural Development also has home repair loans and grants available to very low income homeowners. Income limits are based on family size. For a family of four in Rochester, your annual household income must be below $33,050 to qualify for the repair program. Repair loans are at 1% interest up to $20,000 and grants are available up to $7,500 for persons age 62 or older.
If you would like more information about these home loan programs, please contact USDA Rural Development at (360) 704-7760.
Washington State Patrol A website for where you can report incidents of aggressive driving. Troopers will use this information to target trouble spots.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children A website providing information on child safety and sex offender laws.
New 03-11-10 National Consumer Watch website A website featuring a comprehensive list of consumer products that are currently available or were previously available worldwide. Injury is the leading cause of death in children and young adults. According to the most recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were approximately 2,800 children, ages one to 14 years, that died from an unintentional injury, and they could have been avoided with awareness and product education. At our goal is to keep users up-to-date on the latest child safety information.
Lewis Mason Thurston Area Agency on Aging Coordinates a variety of services and programs for seniors and disabled adults in South Sound, including case management and caregiver support. Works with several local agencies to provide transportation, respite care, caregiver training, legal help and other services. You can contact them at 360-427-2225 or visit their website at: for more information.
South Sound Alzheimer's Council Provides support, advocacy and education for families affected by Alzheimer's and related disorders. You can contact them at 360-664-3162, ext. 106 (through Area Agency on Aging). Visit their website at: for more information including a listing of South Sound Alzheimer's support groups for patients and caregivers.
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Aging & Disability Services Administration Provides information on finding in-home care and other housing options, paying for care, legal planning and other resources. Also investigates suspected cases of vulnerable adult abuse or neglect. You can contact them at 360-422-3263 or visit their website at: for more information.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Paul Tosch Advocates for people living in licensed, long-term care facilities who need help getting complaints heard and resolved. The state program is for residents living in a care facility and his or her relatives or friends, and administrators and staff of adult family, boarding and nursing homes. You can contact him at 360-943-6018.
Disaster Outreach Services are now available to the Rochester Community Support for Storm Survivors is now available to the Rochester Community. The road to recovery continues for many residents whose lives were changed by last winter's rain and wind storms. If you are struggling with recovery efforts and feel stressed or overwhelmed, Disaster Outreach Services (DOS) can help with emotional support and information. Call 1-800-850-8775 to talk to a trained Disaster Outreach worker who can listen to your concerns, providing information and referring you to services that will help you move forward with your life.
Mesthelioma & Asbestos Aware Center website Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the lining of the body's internal organs, a thin layer of cells known as the mesothelium, which gives mesothelioma its name. While very thin, this layer of cells is vitally important to organ function and the health of the inner body structures. For more information go to their website at: website The Mesothelioma Symptoms website covers a range of topics from the different forms of mesothelioma, the hard to detect symptoms, and the various methods of treatment. Mesothelioma is diagnosed to over 3,000 people each year and it is considered one of the most deadliest forms of cancer in the world. Mesothelioma, in most cases, is caused by exposure to asbestos. For more information go to: And still aother website about mesothelioma with additional information is: Our website is a comprehensive informational resource on asbestos-related diseases, and was created to help the millions of people who were exposed to asbestos, a cancer causing mineral.
Many of t hese men and women were exposed at work or during their military service and are now suffering from asbestos-related diseases, such as mesothelioma cncer, a devasting and nearly always fatal disease. Veiw the website at website The Assisted Living Facilities website at: shows the licensed assisted living communities in each town and has a lot of other information on senior resources.
Medical Malpractice Help Over 200,000 people die each year in the United States from medical negligence. As more patients find out about the unwanted side effects of certain medical treatments, alternative and holistic treatments are becoming increasingly popular. is a website that can help you better understand the complications and concerns which may arise throughout treatment.