
Links to Websites of possible interest to Rochester Residents
These websites have asked to be listed here.  You should be aware we know nothing about them so you
are advised to exercise the same caution you would use with any other company unknown to you.)


http://grandmound-rochester.blogspot.com/  This website is a "blog" about the Rochester Horizons Project which is designed to address poverty and other community issues.  It is a program of local Rochester residents coming together to improve our community.  Click here for more information about the Rochester Horizons Project.


www.myairshoes.com  Welcome to the #1 internet footwear community Myairshoes.com. Our mission is to bring our visitors release dates and news about their favorite shoes. Information about Air Jordans Sneakers, Nike Air Force Ones, Reebok Shoes, Adidas Shoes, Converse Sneakers, and more can be found here.


http://www.uniquehomestore.com/   Looking for kids shoes, Stride Rite, Primigi, Naturino, Ecco, Merrell, Skechers, L'Amour Shoes or kids footwear. We have the perfgect on-line shoe store for you.  Shopping for kids' footwear will never be easier.

http://www.impsport.com/links/links07.html  Looking for girls shoes or girls sandals then here is the perfect kids shoe store for you. Shop UniqueHomeStore.Com for girls shoes, sandals and children's shoes. UniqueHomeStore has bear feet, stride rite, umi shoes, keds, ecco and many othergirl's shoes brands.

http://www.restaurantica.com/wa/rochester/  Restaurantica.com, is a restaurant review site that features over 350,000 restaurants.  There are several of Rochester's restaurants listed on this site.  None have yet been given reviewers comments but there is a form you can fill out to provide your input.  I have advised them about the Royal India which was closed over a year ago and The Grill for them to make corrections in their listing.

http://family.rochester.wa-k12.net The Family Access website, which is only for Guardian/Parents and students of the Rochester School District. If you have a child attending one of the Rochester School District schools and wish permission to access this website to view your child's school records please contact: Peggy Schubert, Student Records Supervisor, Rochester School District, mschubert@rochester.wednet.edu 360-273-5534 ext 2612

http://www.2good2toss.com/thurston/index.php?  This website provides for the posting of items for sale, to be given away free, or items you would like to have.  There is no charge to post but there is a maximum of $200.00 you are allowed to ask for the items for sale.  I have personally used the site twice with very good response and highly recommend it for reducing the volume in our landfills

http://www.bosleymedicalseattle,com/   Bosley Medical Seattle is the world's most experienced hair restoration expert.  Bosley Medical is the leader in natural, permwsnent hair transportation.
http://www.easyclimber.com/http://www.easyclimber.com/  For those of you who need help useing the stairs in your home this is one option to consider.  Stair lifts give

you full use of your home again. Easy Climber® stair lifts put you back in control safely and affordably.  This sitre also contains a "Senior Living Blog" at this address:



Easy Climber® stair lifts put you back in control… safely and affordably.






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