Grand Mound Rochester Park Association
PO Box 1266 Rochester WA 98579
(360) 273-0398
June 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016
Name __________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address _________________________________________________________
Phone ___________________________ Email ________________________________
if you do not want your name(s) included on membership lists or appearing in
printed materials.
Your personal information will NOT be shared.
Signature(s) _______________________________________ Date _________________
I/We Would
Like To Volunteer!
(check all that apply)
_____Computers _____ Office Work _____Landscaping
_____ Event Set up/Clean up _____Painting _____Carpentry
_____Fundraising _____ Photography _____Board Member
_____Other (please describe)________________________________________________
Thank You!
If you desire additional information about the Grand Mound Rochester Park
Association or the Rochester Community Park, e-mail