Grand Mound Rochester Park Association
Meeting Minutes
April 13, 2006
Mary Lewis started the GMRPA meeting at 6:04pm by welcoming those in attendance and having everyone introduce themselves. Those in attendance were Mary Lewis, Bill Liddle, Rachel Palmer, Markthor MacFarlane, Larry & Cathy Quarnstrom, Denise Roselle, Bob Broostrom, Donna Weaver-Smith, Linda Billings, Gene Weaver and Susie Hawes.
Meeting minutes from the March 9 meeting reviewed and approved with no changes noted.
As stated in the current by-laws, anyone in the Grand Mound/Rochester area was a voting member. The way to continue to move forward as a park association is to limit voting to a smaller core group who will be in attendance at all park meetings and will keep themselves informed of all potential changes. This core group is the park directors. The role of the directors is to represent the community voice. A motion made by Donna and seconded by Markthor brought a vote to the group in attendance to install park directors effective in May 2006. This was approved unanimously. A suggestion brought up was that the community members wishing to be part of the GMRPA become park members by giving a donation (amount to be determined later). Donna also brought up the idea of community showing support by purchasing bricks and becoming park members. One benefit to becoming a park member is to receive quarterly newsletters.
Easter Egg Hunt Update-
This will be a flashlight Easter Egg Hunt held for the middle school students as a thank you for all of the work and volunteerism they have given to the community center. It will take place from 6-9pm with a thank you at 6:00pm along with a short park presentation. Denise has tried to get a head count of those planning to attend and has had 60 out of 140 students say they plan on attending. Flyers have been sent out along with an announcements daily at RMS. 11 high school students have signed up to help prepare for the hunt and help in other ways, as needed the night of the hunt. Denise will bring a movie and Jamie has reserved the projector to play it on. Donna will donate survey tape to mark the hunt area along with a large jar to serve refreshments. Susie will provide the popcorn popper and popcorn. Because of donations from the Rochester community, we should have enough eggs and prizes to give away.
Fun Night/Skate Night-
The GMRPA was invited by RPS to set up an informational table about the park at Fun Night. This is an event attended by kids from both the RPS and GMES. Mary Lewis represented the GMRPA at this event and talked to families’ non-stop while the event was taking place. Park buttons were sold and approximately $27.00 was bought in from the button sales.
Skate Night is an event held by both RPS and GMES nine times during the school year at the RollerDrome in Centralia. The last skate night held in May is a 100% profit night for the school booster clubs. The booster clubs (F.A.S.T. and GMBoosters) have voted to donate all profits from the May skate night to the GMRPA.
Sleep In The Park-
This event will be the second annual Sleep in the Park, to be held on Aug. 12 for one night. Anyone wishing to help with this event or others in the future was encouraged to fill out background checks. Mary will be sending flyers out to the area banks to be sure of their support for this event. Thurston County Parks & Rec. will send staff to help with the games. Anyone with knowledge of vendors interested in helping should send information to Mary. Any profit and non-profit groups are welcome to set up informational booths.
Park Update-
Larry and Markthor have received the park survey via e-mail and Markthor will use it to submit with the application for the pre-permit submission meeting. This should be faxed in on Monday. The one area of concern is the parking. Because of the increased usage of the park and community center, parking is a concern. We are not sure at this time how many parking spaces are zoned. There is also a question of the right-of –way along Albany Street. Two portables will be removed and one replaced. The time frame has not been set yet.
Park Meeting Location and Time-
Currently, the GMRPA is meeting in the Rochester Library at 6:00pm on the second Thursday of each month. Mary is concerned with continuing to use the library space during the library open hours. It is intimidating for library patrons to walk into the library during a meeting. Suggestions brought up were meeting at 7:00 in the library, 6:00 at RMS, 6:00 in the conference room, 6:00 at ROOF, 6:00 in the park. Those in attendance voted to keep the meeting at 6:00 and will announce the next meeting space through the Rochester website (
Larry made a motion and Donna seconded to retain the GMRPA officers and those in attendance voted unanimously. The GMRPA officers are as follows;
President-Mary Lewis
Vice President-Bill Liddle
Treasurer-Kim Craddock
Secretary-Rachel Palmer
Those nominated and voted in as GMRPA directors are as follows:
Denise Roselle, Markthor MacFarlane, Suzy Hawes, Cathy Quarnstrom and Linda Billings. The directors’ roles will be to attend & participate in meetings and to act as part of the voting body.
Bob Broostrom represented VFW and he informed the park group of the plans to erect a veteran’s memorial in the front of the community center. They will break ground at the Swede Day festival. If all goes according to plan, they will have it completed and dedicated at the Swede Day festival in June 2007.
Talk last meeting about Swede Day included having a float in the Swede Day parade. Concern was brought up over trying to plan and work on a float in such a short amount of time. Rachel volunteered to drive a truck and trailer. A suggestion was made that if we keep the float simple, it would be a good way for the park to have another avenue for advertisement. All in attendance agreed to have a simple float in the parade. This is what will be planned-a simple float possibly with a tent to promote “Sleep in the Park” and maybe some kids having a picnic on the float. We can throw candy and toss beach balls to the crowd.
The GMRPA meeting was adjourned at 7:08pm. The next meeting will be May 11th.
If there are any errors or emissions, please contact Rachel Palmer at 273-6579 or by e-mail at