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(PLEASE NOTE: These minutes are subject to correction as they will not be approved by the Board until the June meeting)

Grand Mound Rochester Park Association

Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2006


Mary Lewis started the Grand Mound Rochester Park Association (GMRPA) meeting at 6:07pm by welcoming those in attendance and having everyone introduce themselves. Those in attendance were Mary Lewis, Bill Liddle, Rachel Palmer, Markthor MacFarlane, Cathy Quarnstrom, Denise Roselle, Linda Billings, Carla Tueten, Kim Craddock and Larry Quanstrom.  

Meeting minutes from the April 13 meeting were reviewed and approved with one change, found by Linda Billings. Listed under “other” the Veteran’s Memorial was discussed and a completed date was listed as June 2006. This date needs to be corrected to June 2007.

Treasures Report-

Kim and Mary have informed us about the money in the GMRPA accounts. Currently, there is $1427.30 in the Sterling Checking Account and $7504.28 in a CD. Kim did state that with so much activity in the accounts in the future, we can expect a written report and reconciliation/management report monthly.

Park Update-

Markthor and Larry Q. went to a pre-submission meeting on May 11. There were some changes that need to come about to get permits for the park to move forward. The special use permit could cost approximately $3695, which the GMRPA had thought that a Change of Use Permit would be sufficient, but that might not be the case. Also, a Sepa permit is needed and could cost $6000. On May 2, new fees came into effect. As long as special use permit is in use and little changes are made, the permits are generally good for three years.

Some questions that came up at the pre-submission meeting were;
How many parking spaces are current and how many are needed?
Amount of disturbance, how much earth will have to be moved for berms?
Storm water run-off?
Where are the exact boundaries?
The status of the old gym was questioned.
Standards for parks are that there should be restrooms and not portables for public to use. A suggestion was brought up that we have a septic designer come in and not a maintenance company.
Parking needs to be reviewed-should not be 90* to street, we need to install wheel stops, signage for parking stalls

Skate Night-

F.A.S.T. and GMBoosters, the parent groups from the primary and elementary schools are using their Skate Night as a fund-raiser for the GMRPA. It is currently being advertised in the library, on the Rochester website and flyers will go home with 1000 students to advertise this event. The date of Skate night is May 23rd. A booth will be set up at the skating rink for GMRPA to give out information about the park & sleep in the park event and to sell buttons. Those who signed up to help with the both are Linda Billings, Mary Lewis and Carla Tueten. Discussion was that we might have a small tent there to set up and share excitement about the Sleep in the Park event.

 Swede Day-

Swede Day is June 17. GMRPA will have a float in the parade. Mary is currently working on paperwork to submit to participate in the parade. We plan to have a tent on the float and bounce beach balls out to the crowd. We will try to stay away from candy being thrown out. The Sheriff’s office will have a 10x10 canopy available and set up for groups to have informational booths set up under.

University of Washington-

Students from UW are helping GMRPA in raising funds and awareness for the park. They are currently working on flyers for the Sleep in the Park and also Membership Forms. It was decided that there would be different levels of membership, to include; Student $5, Individual $10, Family $25, Business $100, Benefactor $250 and other with a blank amount. Also suggested was that with “xx” hours of volunteer time, membership would be free.


Sleep in the Park is open to vendors coming in who want to set up booths. The cost was decided on for participating in this event. It is $3 per individual and a cap of $10 per family to participate in the day events and to sleep in the park. Last year, hot dogs were served as a dinner option after a permit to serve food was paid for. The cost of the permit is $70.

 Bill Liddle asked the GMRPA if he could post Board Contact Info. on the Rochester website (www.rochester-wa.com) We all agreed it is a good idea and all want our contact information posted. This will let the Rochester residents know who we are and how to contact us. This will also give a way to have thoughts and suggestions in writing.

 The meeting was ended at 7:03p.m. The next meeting will be on June 8th. The meeting location is to be announced.

 If there are any errors or omissions, please contact Rachel Palmer at 273-6579 or by e-mail at palmsx4@comcast.net

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