Resources for Rochester Residents
Rochester Community Center
A number of services are now available at the Rochester Community Center which is located in the former Rochester Primary School at 10140 Hwy. 12 SW. Access and parking to all services is on the Bend Street side.
Services available at the Rochester Community Center.
Thurston County Sheriff's Office The Thurston County Sheriff's Office has moved from their former Key Bank location to the Rochester Community Center. The increased presence of deputies is a welcome addition to this area of Rochester. The Rochester Office number is 273-1034. The Olympia number for Thurston County Sheriff's Office is 786-5500. For emergencies, dial 911. Also please visit for additional information about the Thurston County Sheriff's Office.
Washington State Department of Corrections Community Corrections Officers meet with Rochester area clients at their office at the Rochester Community Center on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month from 8;00 AM to 5:00 PM. The Department of Corrections Rochester phone number is 273-1038 or the Olympia number is 413-5418. Also please visit for additional information about the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Juvenile Diversion
A community-based, corrections program through Community Youth Services (CYS),
committed to the philosophy of "Restorative Justice". Youth 8-17 who are
charged with their first or second misdemeanor(S) or certain class "C" felony
level offenses are eligible for Diversion as an alternative to the formal
Juvenile Court System. A community Accountability Board (CAB), comprised
of 3-5 citizen volunteers, meets with the youth and their family, reviews the
offense and assigns appropriate consequences. For more information,
contract CYS at 943-0780. For more
information about the Juvenile
Diversion Program go to:
New 02/02/06 Rochester Community Library The Rochester Community Library operates entirely with volunteer help and is located in the Rochester Community Center. It houses several thousand books, DVD's, Video tapes, a computer kiosk connected to the Timberland Regional Library system as well as the VITA Center Computer Lab. All the local books and other materials can be checked out or you can have items from the Timberland system delivered to Rochester Community Library for pickup and check-out. There is a "drop box" outside the library where you can return items from either library during hours when the library is not open. Click here to view additional material on the Rochester Community Library. The phone number for the Rochester Community Library is 360-858-7086.
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Rochester In Rochester, Big Brothers Big Sisters is currently running programs at local elementary schools and in the general community. We are looking for adults and mature high school students to be a positive role model for a child. The "Bigs" provide the children with individualized time and attention to help them succeed in life. Contact Big Brothers Big Sisters at 360-943-0409. For more information about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Washington, visit their website at:
Boy and Girls Club of Thurston County Boys & Girls Clubs of Thurston County is an after school program. All youth ages 5-18 are eligible for membership. Our membership is $10.00 for September 1st – August 31st. We also host two late nights per month for youth in grades 6-12. Please contact Christine Hoffman for more information at 360-273-9397 ext. 110 or log on to for a 2006-2007 Program Guide and a membership information packet.
ROOF Community Services (Rochester Organization of Families) ROOF is now located at the Rochester Community Center where they enjoy expanded room for their many programs for low-income families of the area. These programs include: emergency food bank; after-school/summer program for children in grades 1st-5th; parenting education; English as a Second Language classes; and other emergency services. For information on their programs and hours of services, call 273-6375. Visit their website:
Thurston Co. Dept. of Public Health and Social Services The Health Mobile is now providing family planning, STD and HIV testing, smoking cessation, and immunizations the first Wednesday of each month from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
Services available at other locations in the community.
Rochester School District For more information visit their website: The Family Access website, which is only for Guardian/Parents and students of the Rochester School District. If you have a child attending one of the Rochester School District schools and wish permission to access this website to view your child's school records please contact: Peggy Schubert, Student Records Supervisor, Rochester School District, 360-273-5534 ext 2612
Rochester Fire Department For fire or medical emergency call 911. All non-emergency calls please use 273-5582. Burning permits can be acquired at the Albany Street Station during normal week-day hours.
Rural & Tribal Transportation (R/T) R/T is a transportation program that offers service in the Rochester, Tenino, Tumwater, Centralia, and Bucoda areas. R/T provides transportation to the communities to link with Intercity Transit in Olympia and with Twin Transit in Centralia. Any one who lives in Rochester is eligible to use the services provided by R/T. You can learn more about the Rural & Tribal Transportation program by visiting their website at: On the Transpro website, the R/T link is on the left hand side of the screen listed as RT Transit.
Rochester United Methodist Church Closet The Rochester United Methodist Church has just started a "Clothing Bank" they are calling the Rochester Community Closet where they are receiving clothing donations to be given to those who are in need. The Closet is located just north of the church on Corvallis Street. They are open Wednesday's between 3:00 and 5:00 PM and on Friday's between 10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon. They can available at others times by calling 273-500 for an appointment. They are still in need of good used clothing donations, especially children's sizes.
Thurston County Parks & Recreation For information about Thurston County Parks & Recreation programs for the Rochester area phone 786-5595 or visit their website at
Thurston Co. Dept. of Public Health and Social Services NOTE: This program has moved from the Rochester Community Center to Swede Hall on Albany Street south of Hwy 12. WIC (Women, Infant and Children) serves pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children 0 to 5 years old with free food nutrition information, and health care referrals. WIC hours are 9:00 AM to noon and 1:00 to 5:00 PM by appointment only. Call Thurston Co. Health at 754-2936 for more information. Bi-lingual staff is available.
New 10/01/07 Help 4 Hard Times A new non-profit based here in Rochester has begun operation to address the problem of homeless youth in Thurston County. Please visit their website at to get a really good idea of what we are doing, We are looking to locate office space for free or a stipend around the state. We have located a building in Chehalis with 6,000 square feet that we are raising funds for and one in Olympia with 24,000 square feet. There are more than 800 kids in Thurston County who are homeless and trying to stay in school. Funding help to address this growing need should be a priority for everyone.
Crossroads Youth Ministry Jr. and Sr. High meet Tuesday Nights at Crossroads Foursquare Church, 9231 183rd Ave. SW, Rochester, WA. Pastor John and Angela Laramie, Phone 360-273-9677 - Senior Pastor: Ken Spriggs
Girl Scouts of Western Washington There currently (6-20-05) are five Girl Scout troops active in the Rochester community. It is a comprehensive prevention program helping girls ages 5 - 17 develop their potential, build self-confidence, and learn leadership skills in a safe all-girl environment. For more information call 800-541-9852 or visit us at Their website provides information about the Girl Scouts of Western Washington and how to become involved with the Girl Scouts at our local level. The Service Unit Manager for Centralia and Rochester is Lisa Schoelkopf and she can be reached at: or 360-561-6852.
Updated 11/06/08 Rochester Co-op Preschool Rochester Co-op Preschool has been educating our children for more that 30 years. We are located in a small, quite neighborhood just a couple of minutes from Highway 12. We are a non-profit cooperative preschool, that is administered and maintained by the parents on a non-sectarian basis. The parents assist the teacher in the classroom on a rotating basis and participate in the educational program of all the children. View their website at
Rochester Cub Scout Pack 317 View the Rochester Cub Scout Pack 317 by clicking here.
New 01/12/06 Larch Mountain Little League To learn more about the Larch Mountain Little League contact Laurie Wilson at 360-273-2915 or e-mail at: Also visit their website at where you will find Little League calendars, schedules, team stats, fundraising and team game highlights as well as other items of interest.
Rochester Food Banks There are two food banks in Rochester: ROOF at the Rochester Community Center, 10140 Hwy 12 SW, phone 273-6375. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 9:00 AM to Noon & 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Closed Wednesdays. And open Friday - 9:30 to noon. We have a large cooler and freezer, so we can accept produce! S.T.U.F. (South Thurston United Friends), 18214 Corvallis Street SW, Wednesdays 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Phone 273-5891.
Rochester Senior Services Phone 360-273-0768
Lunch is available for seniors (60+ years of age) on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week at 11:30 AM in the Lions Club Building on Corvallis Street in Rochester. A $2.50 donation is suggested to help cover the cost of the meal. "Meals on wheels" is available to home bound seniors. For eligible seniors, one hot meal and 6 frozen meals will be delivered to your home each Tuesday. Please call 360-273-0768 to arrange for this service.