There seems to be a dark cloud hanging over our little town.
Does anyone else notice that there is a change in the air for Rochester?
I really feel like it is time to rally together for the future of our
The last time this school district had a double levy failure- people showed
up in droves to the Community Meeting after the fact.
We had a great turnout- to find out what services were going to be
cut- and everyone had an opinion about what programs should or
should not be cut.
The damage was done.
The levy had failed.
We lost portions of bussing, we payed (alot) for our kids to play sports, we
lost music and art.... and on and on. Our one saving grace was that we had
a 'reserve' to help the district stay alive.... Well.....not this time.
We used our reserves then.
This time- the cuts are FAR greater.
40 teachers and support staff.
40 families.
Full time Kindergarten- gone
Even our grounds maintenance!
We've watched this town grow over the past 10 years at an amazing rate.
We LOVED that we got pretty new schools and our downtown area started
spiffing things up.
Remember how excited we all were to get a Subway?
Now what?
Our kids are gonna be hanging around with nothing to do after school but go
looking for trouble.
The pretty new schools will begin to look shoddy.
Our sports teams will be dissolved.
Will we undo all of the efforts of the Weed and Seed program by Meth labs
cropping back up in our neighborhoods...............
What are the 'NO' votes really about?
Property taxes? REALLY? You've got to be kidding me!? If you are a land
owner- then you should know the 'short-sightedness' of that theory. When
levies fail- property values go down. For a variety of reasons. ( Besides
the fact that this years' replacement levy is actually a LOWER tax rate
than previously approved by voters )
Is it about a lack of education? That's an easy fix- go to the meetings.
They are open to the public and free! Get educated about the measures on
your ballot. Go find out what a levy is and what it funds... "levies
are for learning"
"We don't know how we're going to feel if our Levy fails........will we
'tuck tail and run'?" "Pull our children from this school district and put
them somewhere 'better'." I can honestly say that I've pondered it myself.
But how about being part of the solution to the problem?
And what about Real Estate? "What is our home really worth now?"
"Could we sell it in this market if we choose?"
"If the levy fails- who would buy it?" Families don't want to buy a home in
an area that doesn't pass their Levies.
Did you know that only 2 school levies in the entire state of
Washington DID NOT pass? Yeah- we are one of them.
The school districts that saw the greatest devastation from flooding- who's
families are absolutely destitute................... Yeah- they
passed their levies.
I believe that the residents of Rochester WANT to live in a clean, safe,
friendly town. One that we can have pride in.
Where we can say that our sports teams win, our neighborhoods are safe. Our
kids can ride their bikes, and business is kept local and honest.
I'm SO SICK of hearing that it's OK to be substandard because "we're from
That we don't have to take pride in ourselves or our homes because- "it's
just Rochester"
Every person who works, lives, or owns land in Rochester, who raises
children, goes to school, rents a home, has the right to vote, or does
business in Rochester- every adult in this town is a COMMUNITY LEADER. I'll
say it again- LEADER.
It is our job to mentor to our kids that we care- to LEAD them-
even if they aren't our birth children. They are our future leaders and we
need to show them how to lead.
It's our job to turn this negative attitude around and come together.
It really does "take a village....."
We really do " reap what we sow..."
Tomorrows leaders are the kids that are in our school right now.
Tuesday March 11th @6:30- Levy Work meeting. Rochester High School
Tuesday March 18th @ 7pm- Town Meeting at Rochester High School
Friday April 4th- Ballots sent out
Tuesday April 22- VOTE DAY!!
pass it on
get educated
go vote
come together
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