Thurston County is sponsoring a hazardous waste collection event for
residents to safely dispose of hazardous household products.
The annual spring Wastemobile Collection Event is free for residents of
Thurston County.
Items accepted include oil-based and latex paint, glues, pesticides,
thinners, solvents, all types of batteries, antifreeze, motor oil and
filters, cleaners, pool and hobby chemicals, fluorescent light bulbs and
tubes, mercury thermometers, adhesives, polishes and other products that say
“Danger,” “Warning,” or “Caution” on the labels.
The WasteMobile does not accept garbage, yard waste, household appliances,
electronics, computers, monitors, medical wastes, explosives, ammunition,
propane tanks, empty or leaking containers, business wastes, smoke detectors
or radioactive materials.
Residents who miss this event can always take hazardous household materials
to HazoHouse, located at the Thurston County Waste and Recovery Center, 2418
Hogum Bay Road N.E. near Lacey. Hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday
through Monday.
“We accept literally tons of dangerous household products at WasteMobile
events, including products that have been banned for years but have been
sitting in garages,” said Terri Thomas, an educator with Thurston County
Solid Waste. “These types of products can cause a lot of damage to your
health and the environment, so they should never be put in the trash or
dumped on the ground, down a storm drain, or in the sink.”
For more
information on recycling events and services, call the Thurston County
Department of Water and Waste Management, 357-2491 or go to