Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only several from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list. The larger project list can be found here Copies of steering committee meeting minutes will be posted on this website.
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
April 15, 2010 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:40 PM by Bill Liddle
Those present were Bill Liddle, Gala Fagerness, Donna Zimmerman, Jennifer Belnap, Jim McGinn, Donna Weaver, Sandra Cornell, Suzanne brown
Sandra, Gala and the two local farmers, Jennifer & Jim, discussed the farmers market set-up. Jennifer and Jim had some concerns about competing against those who might be inclined to sell too cheaply. They also discussed what part of the Middle School parking lot would be used for the vendors. Sandra, Gala, Jennifer & Jim decided to leave the meeting to go look at the parking lot to view the parking lot to more fully develop the vendor booth layout.
Minutes of last meeting approved
Treasurers Report: Approved
Bill Liddle passed out copies of the status of the current Basic Computer Skills course which will conclude on April 18th. (Copy is attached)
Donna Smith reported on the latest development on the Sidewalk project. A group of students from the Evergreen College in Olympia has completed their research and report (one of their class projects) on the demographics for the Rochester area. They found there are 5 distinct sub-groups of the area based upon census data. This will help identify our geographic area when applying for grants. Project in Rochester are usually not eligible for grants because of not being an incorporated town. Donna also reported talking to some Thurston County employees who have been directed, by the County Commissioners office, to doing studies relating to sidewalks in Rochester.
Donna Smith also reported the Old Gate School project is progressing well with the restoration of the building and the increasing number of community events being held there.
Next meeting May 20th.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
Steering Committee Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons