Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only several from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list. The larger project list can be found here Copies of steering committee meeting minutes will be posted on this website.
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
May 20, 2010 Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
Meet called to order at 6:45 by Suzanne Brown
Those attending were Bill Liddle, Bill Zimmerman, Donna Zimmerman, Janet Weaver, Donna Weaver, Sandra Cornell, Suzanne Brown, Vivian Eason, Danette Jones, Joe Baisch, Joy Baisch, Kathie Clohesy
Old business:
![]() | Project reports
New business
Discussion of fund raising activities (mainly at concession stands) brought up by Danette Jones. Janet Weaver moved and Vivian Eason seconded that a concession fund for selling water at farmers market be established motion passed
![]() | Selling bottled water at various events |
![]() | Selling candy bars |
Donna Weaver made a presentation on the training she and Vivian Eason had attended that dealt with volunteerism.
Donna described how job descriptions should be set up for each volunteer position available call them community advocates rather than volunteers. Whats in a name? Volunteer has a negative connotation so use other description of the task because of down economy there are generally more people available for volunteering out of work individuals have more time and may want the experience to add to their resume.
Getting things done require planning and agendas
Committee engagement of all committee members is needed
Partnerships partnering with other groups or organizations will make the effort more effective.
Make people feel comfortable and welcomed
Make sure volunteers are given job description and see that they are well trained
Concentration on follower-ship as well as leadership
Make the most of written your communication
Vivian Eason suggested doing a flyer to advertise Horizons to hand out during Swede Day
Next meeting will be June 17th at the Rochester Community Center
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
Steering Committee Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons