Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only several from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list. The larger project list can be found here Copies of steering committee meeting minutes will be posted on this website.
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons
June 17, 2010 Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
6: 30 PM Meeting call to order
Introductions of those present: Bill Zimmerman, Donna Zimmerman, Gala Fagerness, Sandra Cornell, Danette Jones, Diane Weaver-Sims, Donna Weaver-Smith, Suzanne Brown, Bill Liddle, Vivian Eason, and Kathie Clohesy
Minutes of last meeting –Dona Smith moved, Bill Z seconded, and motion approved with corrections
Treasurers Report: - Interim Treasurer, Suzanne Brown gave a verbal report indicating all but approximately $150 of the original grant of $1,500 has been disbursed on Farmer’s Market activities. She also said she has not yet seen evidence of our receiving the remaining $8,500 grant that we are eligible for. Donna Smith moved, Vivian Eason seconded, and, motion to accept the report was approved.
Old Business:
![]() | Project Reports
New Business:
![]() | Rochester Community Resource Book – Diane Weaver explained that she and 7 others are working on a project to update the Rochester Resource book that was done by the Weed and Seed in 2007. They are in the process of researching and contacting all of the businesses, organizations, and service providers for the Rochester area. It is estimated the book will require approximately 30 pages without advertising. It was suggested the Thurston County Lodging Tax (ltax) group be approached for their requirements as a possible funding source for the resource book. Vivian Eason agreed to search out this information for us. This is money collected by the State and then returned to the county for use in promoting tourism. It was suggested the resource book project include promotion of the Annual Rochester Swede Day Midsommar Festival – A motion by Vivian Eason and seconded Donna Zimmerman to accept the project, with the above suggestions was approved. |
![]() | Donna Smith proposed the school district be approached for using the old district office as a community visitors/volunteer center – every one send their ideas on this to Donna before the next meeting so a plan can be formulated for presentation to the Rochester School Board for their consideration. |
![]() | Steering Committee Policies and Procedures – A draft policy & procedures, for the steering committee, was handed out with instructions to study it for discussion at the July meeting. Draft copies of three other policy & procedure documents, which could be incorporated into or appended to the main document. |
Mind Mapping - Joe Baisch asked us “how has Grand Mound Rochester Horizons impacted our local community?” He then went on to talk about a tentative proposal to create local small loans and/or micro-lending – under 35,000.00 to stimulate prosperity. This is a “hot topic” for not only our local area but also across the nation. Diane Weaver expressed an interest in being involved locally. Joe said Paul Allen and his sister is targeting the Hispanic communities as recipients of grants from their foundation. Joe will elaborate more on this at the July meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM
Next meeting – July 15th
Respectively submitted
Bill Liddle
Steering Committee Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons