Please remember that every GMRH Steering committee meeting is open to all residents of the area. You are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussions as this is a community-wide effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester/Grand Mound area. Also, these are only several from a larger list that will be addressed as people accept the challenge to take on the responsibility of any of the other projects on the list. The larger project list can be found here Copies of steering committee meeting minutes will be posted on this website and also on the GMRH blogspot at: so check both websites often to stay current with what is happening.
Grand Mound
September 23, 2009 Steering Committee Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chair Suzanne Brown at 6:35 PM. Those present were Joe Baisch, Donna Smith, Joy Baisch, Suzanne Brown, Domingo Zamidio, and Bill Liddle.
We each introduced ourselves to Domingo. Suzanne gave him a short review of what Grand Mound Rochester Horizons is involved in.
Minutes of the last two meetings were handed out to those present. They had been previously e-mailed out to all on the e-mail list and no comments, corrections, additions, or deletions have been received so they will stand as approved.
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Joan Hitchcock will not be present because of a conflict in her schedule but she called to say there is nothing to report as the grant money has not yet been received from Northwest Area Foundation.
Old Business:
![]() | Farmers Market Committee: The committee chair was not present to give a report. Joy Baisch described a new business available for slaughtering and processing meat out in the field called “Puget Sound Meat Producers Cooperative.” It is a mobile unit that provides USDA inspected meat processing and is available to small animal raisers who then can sell the meat locally. |
![]() | Sidewalk Committee Report: Lowell Deguise called just prior to the meeting and said he an emergency would prevent him from attending but reported the sidewalks meeting had to be rescheduled to Sept 30th. Donna Smith said she found out there is a revitalization program, which could possibly partially fund the sidewalk project but we don’t qualify because we are not a city. If Thurston County designated Rochester as a revitalization area we would qualify. She talked to a Scot ? at the county to inquire if any action was underway to include Rochester in one. Scot told her there has been a (LAMRID, Limited area of more intense development) for Rochester which could potentially work because it included specific boundary lines for the Rochester area. Scot will work to have Rochester designated as a revitalization area. Donna will convey this information to Lowell. |
![]() | Swimming Pool Committee Report: Dannet Jones could not attend but sent an e-mail report to Bill which is included. 1. After the pools and spray park are constructed, Thorbecke's would highly consider managing it for the community. |
2. The Feed Bin owner gave me names and numbers of the owners of the old Rite Aid building and thought they may be interested in housing a community center and would be willing to partner in the construction of a swimming pool and spray park...I need to touch base with the owners very soon!
3. We need someone that has time during the day to call the county and see what the regulations are in regards to public swimming pools on septic systems or if they have to be on City Water and septic...this could determine whether or not the pools and spray park would be located in Grand Mound or Rochester....any volunteers in helping us in this area, as we are both consumed during the day with our day jobs and do not have access to phones.
4. The Feed Bin and Quizno's have been donating $$'s towards Dollars For Dreams....a mission project by the Rochester United Methodist Church JAM Club that would like to contribute all monies towards sidewalks, swimming pools, and other efforts initiated by Horizons and is given directly back to the community, making Rochester and Grand Mound an even better place to live.
5. Rumor is that the Chehalis Tribe is also trying to construct a swimming pool, if this is true, we would like to know if all citizens would be allowed access, if so, the JAM club would like to donate funds towards the project. However, I've tried contacting the tribe via e-mail with no success, is anyone interested trying to contact them by phone? Please let me know if you may be interested.
6. Looked at a swimming pool and home next to scatter creek....absolutely gorgeous, the old Fletcher home. I would love to own it myself, but the husband said no. I even had the Rochester United Methodist Church pastor consider it as a parsonage and community center...I think he said no too without saying a word. Bottom line, the pool would be too small for swimming competitions, but great for family gatherings, weddings, and small retreats....anyone want to buy it for the community as a start?
7. Curtis Beagley who works at the Great Wolf Lodge can get me a meeting with the pool specialist when the time comes that we need more specific information and I know exactly what I need to me brainstorm what I should ask them please. Thanks!
8. I've called Olympia Fireplace and Spa for pool construction information, they gave me some leads, but no one has returned my phone calls as of yet.
9. Bryan Jones is keeping an eye out for people that he works alongside who may build pools when he is on the construction job sites.
10. I've got a name and
number of a concrete specialist.
Thanks everyone! I hope this update helps and
please keep sending us more ideas. Danette and Bryan Jones
![]() | Basic Computer Literacy Committee: Bill Liddle reported the first class of two students was completed August 28th. Two new classes are scheduled to start October 5th. These will be on Mondays and Wednesdays; one from 9 to 11 AM and the other from 7 to 9 PM. |
![]() | Possible inclusion of Old Gate School as a project committee was tabled until the next meeting. |
![]() | Joe Baisch told us Jeanette McCoy from WSU will be in the area this fall with her students to look at several projects in Rochester. These could be the Rochester Community Center, Main Street revitalization, the Blueberry processing plant and possibly others. He will keep us informed of her schedule so we can be available to join them on their tour of our area. |
![]() | Joy asked for volunteers to attend the training session for “Selling Sponsorships and Generating Revenue with Festivals & Events” being held in Long Beach, WA on Friday, October 16th. Suzanne and Bill both indicated they would attend. Suzanne will contact others about attending. |
The next meeting was set for Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 6:30 PM.
Meeting adjorned at 8:00 PM
Bill Liddle
Steering Committee Secretary
Grand Mound Rochester Horizons