Park Index

Special Events at the Rochester Park


Updated 06-19-09 Fun Day in the Park  Plans are being formulated for this year's "Fun Day" in the Park.  It will be on Saturday, July 18th.  As more information is developed it will be posted here and on the July calendar page. 

Updated 06-06-07 Sleep in the Park  Plans are being formulated for this year's Sleep in the Park.  It will be the weekend of August 11th and 12th.  As more information is developed it will be posted here and on the August calendar page.  Click here to see the schedule of events.

Updated 03-25-07 Rochester Walks!!!  Another walking group to be formed.  "I am interested in heading up a walking group during the day-time. I am thinking that Thursdays work best for me, either at 9:30am or 12noon."  Please let me know if you have any interest in one of these time frames and I would be happy to walk with "new walking friends".  Rachel Palmer, Rochester Library Volunteer.  (360) 273-6579 or (360) 388-8085. 

Updated 03-25-07 Rochester Walks!!!  Click here to view the poster of the event.  Grand Mound Rochester Park Association is organizing a walking program.  We have received funds from the Thurston County Public Health - Healthy STEPS grant.  You can walk alone or as a group.  Track the information using the form (click here to view & print the form).  Copies of the form will be available also at the Rochester Library.  Please e-mail the information to Mary at matslewis@msn.com or drop off the completed form at the Library.  For every mile walked your name goes into the drawing for a prize.  The drawing will happen the last day of each month.  You will be notified when you win!

Walk the path to good health on Mondays at 7:00 PM at Rochester Park (Playground at former Rochester Primary School, now the Rochester Community Center at the light in Rochester.)  Join us and enjoy the following benefits!!! 


Benefits of Walking!

Spend Time With Friends & Family

Add Years to Your Life

Lower Blood Pressure

Pets Get Exercise

Weight Loss

Tone Muscles

Feel Great

Have Fun

If you would like to  participate in the "Walk the path to good health" on some other day or at another time, please do so.


Updated 08-29-06 Sleep in the Park  Click here to view the photos.  The Sleep in the Park event was attended by many again this year.  Over 50 enjoyed watching the movie "Hook" in the park after dark.

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