Rochester, Washington

Community Bulletin Board

This website is a central place where you will find information about items of interest to residents of Rochester, Washington.  The "Calendar of Activities and Events" is a listing of activities, events and meetings of concern to the residents of Rochester, Washington.  "Community Accomplishments" lists the many things being done to improve the quality of life for the residents of the area.  The "New Projects being Considered" section describes those endeavors which are being considered.  Some may only be a "wish we had" but not yet started while others have moved closer to completion.  The fourth section, "Resources Available Locally to Rochester Residents," is a listing of the many resources that are being made available in our local area.  Included in this section are the names, and phone numbers, of persons to contact for more information as well as links to their websites.  "Links to Services Outside of Rochester" lists items which are available, but located away from the Rochester area.  "Park Plan at the Rochester Community Center" shows an artist's depiction of the Park and describes the three phases of developing the Park.  The last section. "Special Announcements," will list items of special interest.  Many will be listed for only a short time and a few for longer periods depending upon the nature of the announcement.

Notice:  Outdoor burning anywhere in Thurston County is allowed only with a "Burning Permit" between October 15th and  July 15thCalendar of Activities and Events  Updated 12/21/05

Community Accomplishments  Updated 4/29/05

New Projects being Considered   updated 6/13/05

Resources Available Locally to Rochester Residents   Updated 9/16/05

Links to Services Outside of Rochester   Updated 12/09/05

Park Plan at the Rochester Community Center   New  6/13/05

Special Announcements   Updated  12/19/05

Archived Pages   New  8/15/05

Rochester Community Center Park Giving Catalog    New  8/30/05


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